Working With the Best Clients and Partners
*Floor plan included with every interior/real estate/vacation rental
photo shoot
The Wells Branch Community Center, on 2106 Klattenhoff Dr. is located in Katherine Fleischer Park. It is just 2 miles away from my home in Wells Branch, one of Austin's most sought-after greenbelt residential communities. The park is gorgeous, and the community center is always booked for small events. 3052 sq. ft. and with a capacity of 100 guests. Floor plan included with every photo shoot. Client: WBMUD, Austin, TX.
Carversteak Steakhouse, Las Vegas, NV.
While in Vegas, visit the Carver. In the meantime, walk through and experience the sights and sounds of this iconic steakhouse.
Zettie's Place Senior Living Community :
Currently in development, this is Phase 1 of a new vibrant community designed to give support, dignity, independence and security to underserved seniors in Holmes County, MS. A residential-zoned 2 acre tract of Tiny houses in a rural setting, it will provide reliable community transportation and access to essential services and public assistance. Other amenities include on-site medical screenings, a food pantry and walking trails. Client: ZP Inc., Jackson, MS
5002 Centennial Lane
Friendswood, TX
Jubilation 2024 Hotel Event venue :
Reception for 130 guests in a mid-size ballroom. Click the image to navigate this venue space.